
What Your Workers’ Comp Attorney Wishes You Knew Before Filing a Claim

Man sitting on steps holding his back after having fallen

Filing a workers’ compensation claim can be a complex process, but knowing the key facts beforehand can help ensure a smooth and successful claim. At EMD Law, we have decades of experience in the workers’ compensation field and have compiled a list of the top things you should know before filing a workers’ compensation claim. […]

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Top Workplace Injury Hazards and How to Avoid Them

Doctor putting brace on persons leg

Workplace injuries are unfortunately too common, and they can have a devastating impact on employees and employers alike. Not only can these injuries cause physical harm and emotional distress, but they can also lead to lost productivity, increased costs, and legal liabilities. It is essential that employees of all industries understand the most common workplace […]

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What is Workers’ Compensation?

Young African American guy with plastered leg sitting on sofa, leaning on crutches at home

Workers’ compensation, also known as workers’ comp or workman’s comp, is a type of insurance that is designed to protect employees who have been injured or become ill as a direct result of their employment. Workers’ comp provides employees with income replacement benefits and financial support when they are unable to work due to their […]

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How are Workers’ Compensation Benefit Amounts Determined

Injured worker laying on ground holding their knee

After being injured at work, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits! These benefits were created to ensure that injured workers would be provided financial support after suffering a work-related injury. There are many factors that go into determining the benefits owed to an individual, and benefits are determined on a case by case basis. […]

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When Should I Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Woman and Man shaking hands

Workers’ Compensation can be incredibly complex for one to navigate on their own. The entire process can be overwhelming and complicated, especially when you are trying to heal from an injury. If you’ve been injured at work, hiring a workers’ compensation attorney can help to ensure that you receive the benefits and compensation that you […]

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Common Winter Workplace Injuries

Shot of a young male feeling the pain of a strained muscle Crop

Workplace injuries happen year-round; however, winter weather and conditions make for a new set of challenges that can increase your chances of an injury. Being aware of these injuries and how to best protect yourself from them is crucial! Slip and Falls A slip and fall is one of the most common workplace injuries. The […]

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Frequently Asked Workers’ Compensation Questions

Injured man speaking to lawyer

Worker’s Compensation can be an incredibly difficult world to navigate, and as experienced Workers’ Compensation attorneys, we know that the process comes with a lot of questions! Our seasoned team guides our clients through all aspects of the claims process, answering questions, while working to ensure that they receive the benefits they deserve. Visit our […]

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How to File a Claim After a Workplace Injury

Injured person with cast on hand

If you’ve been injured at work, it’s incredibly important that you file a worker’s compensation claim as soon as possible to ensure that you receive the benefits you deserve! Immediately after being injured, the first thing you should do is seek medical care. Make your medical care provider aware that your injury occurred at work […]

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Employee VS. Independent Contractor

Engineer holding white helmet safety hard hat copy spec

As a business owner, it is imperative that you understand the employment status of your workers, and how their status will determine the required workers’ compensation coverage. Most of the time, all employees, whether they are full-time or part-time, are required to be covered under your policy. Independent contractors, however, are typically responsible for acquiring […]

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What NOT to do After Being Injured at Work

Worker with arm in cast and sling

A workplace injury can be incredibly disruptive to your health and to your life. If you’ve been hurt at work, there are many steps to take in order to file a workers’ compensation claim to receive the benefits you deserve. When taking these steps, it’s important to know the mistakes to avoid making that could […]

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